
Friday, December 8, 2023

KISS - END OF THE ROAD (1973/2023) Review by David Kiss


Bueno he tardado unos dias en digerir la despedida de mi grupo total desde el año 80/81 Kiss, 43 años de devoción , alegrias, tristezas, muertes, engaños y desengaños.

Excepto mis padres y mi amigo Alfredo nadie ha pasado tantos años tan cerca de mí, ni mujeres, novias, hijos, etc..: ( no confundir con amor). Un sabor agridulce a traves de mi kisstory personal y que voy a contar reducida, en lo que son para mí los momentos precisos y marcados, posiblemente se me olvidará algunos , pero eso daria para posiblemente para un libro…

Estaba en primero de Bup y mi amigo de clase ( Alfredo) me dijo que se vendía un disco de Kiss, le dije que se lo compraba  foto1 Dynasty, aunque yo venía influenciado por el rock and roll, la musica disco de finales de los 70 , s estaba muy presente en mi niñez y preadolescencia, ver esa portada con las 4 caras  maquilladas y escuchas I was made for… fué mi himno durante mucho tiempo ( y sigue estando aun muy prsente a dia de hoy).

A las pocas semanas apareció en la papeleria al lado del insti una revista( foto 2) esta es la vida Kiss, un compañero se adelantó y lo compró, lo solicité en un kiosko de mi barrio y tardaron dos semanas en traermelo, las pegatinas de dicha revista forraron mi carpeta de ese año, cada noche antes de acostarme me leía la revista, ni mates , ni lenguaje, ni deberes  ni ná😂, mediodia i was made y noche esta es la vida, me aprendi los nombres de los componentes, y soñaba en verlos en concierto, no se porque mi obsesion en mi mente era verlos en madison square garden de nueva york, quizas porque se formaron alli, vivian alli, como adolescente los imaginaba viendolos alli.

Mi primer pirata (foto3) sneak attack, ver ese disco colgado en edisons no podia faltar en mi pobre coleccion,seguido de mi primer single español (foto 4)  Shock me español del diaco Alive 2 por 150 pesetas en Helter Skelter.

Año 83 anuncian concierto en Barcelona (foto)5, no me lo podia creer, por fin podría verlos en directo, (foto 6), por fin les vería las caras, aunque ya los habia visto en alguna foto de la revista bravo fué un shock , aunque me dió igual el maquillaje, creo que solo los habia visto en el programa de navidad en el programa Tocata y el videoclip i love it loud, con lick it up ya apareció su videoclip, pero ese concierto fue apoteósico.

Foto 18 viaje a donington 1988 record de venta de entradas , desde las 10 de la mañana en primera fila, varios muertos, guerra de botellas, yo creí que moriria en acto de servicio sin ver a kiss🥲😅😂5 años sin verlos, cuando salieron mi ojos se inhundaron de lagrimas crazy nigthts, mi fanatismo habia aumentado  en grandes dosis, vivir en los 80,s siendo fan de kiss fué durisimo, los moñas maquillados, haciendo musica disco, pop , etc (foto7) still on fire ese libro me enseñó piratas , singles que no habia visto en mi vida y que con el tiempo llegaron a mi coleccion privada.

(Foto 8 la muerte de Eric Carr, el mismo dia que murió freddy Mercury, una pequeña esquela en El periodico me hizo llorar muchisimo, lo vi tres veces en concierto, me caia muy bien y completé el ciclo comprandome el disco de oro personalpor las ventas  de hot in the shade a su hermana, le comuniqué personalmente mi emoción de tener ese disco , ya que el dia de su muerte toda la mañana escuché ese disco vuelta y vuelta sin poder parar de llorar.

Foto 17 gira de kiss en inglaterra me voy a cardiff año 92 , caminandopor sus calles vi una cola enorme  estaban kiss firmando y se iban, entre como pude y todo lleno de ingleses mas altos del copon, grite Paul from barcelona, ohh yeah vino hacia a mi me cogio el disco Revenge y me lo firmó encima de la firma de bruce, 😅😅🙂🙂todo el mundo viendo el gol de koeman ganando la primera copa de europa yo viendo a kiss y casi matandome por coger la guitarra que rompió en dicho concierto, con 3 tios mas grandes que yo , no me la arrancaron , un roadie saltó para separara y hecho una moneda al aier, no se que habia pedido el otro individuo, pero mire la moneda vi su cara , cogi la guitarra  y piernas para que os quiero😂😂😂, me escondi detras de unas gradas y vi como los tres pavos me buscaban, un seguridad del local vio todo me abrio la puerta de emergencia y sali corriendo, a los 30 metros de la carrera me cogen dos tios y me enseñan la placa de policia ( eran secretas)😂😂me hicieron levantar la camiseta para ver que llevaba escondido .. the guitar de Paul stanley! Chillé yo, me dejaron ir, llegue al hotel temblando, camiseta rota, arrañazos, sangre por toda mi parte superior de mi cuerpo…

Foto 12, kiss anuncian reunion año 96, boom me explota todo, sin internet , tenia que ir a un cyber, no pude conseguir entradas, me conectaba una vez a la semana, sacaban entradas a la venta de la gira amaericana, pero  que buscaba yo? … cumplir mi sueño Madison Square Garden, 4 originales  , sold out esas dos noches , no podia creermelo cada semana conectandome , entradas en todos los conciertos y sold out en NY, me dio igual viajé con dias de antelacion y 4 noches seguidas pudé cumplir ese sueño de adolescente en mi diminuta habitacion leyendo esta es la vida Kiss, donald trump a mi lado, skid row, anthrax, shannon, nick, gene, Ace, a todos los vi en persona en el hotel donde se ospedaba kiss. En la foto 12 es el poster oficial de la gira con las 4 entradas enmarcadas de esos conciertos en NY.

Foto 9,10,11, 13 kiss en Barcelona, me comi esa gira entera madrid, zaragoza y evidentemente barcelona, 5 dias se quedaron en la ciudad condal,  persegui a Gene en su limousine, y me quede a solas con él, me temblaba todo y no articulaba palabra, le explique que el año anterior habia ido a verlos 4 noches en Ny, preguntandome de donde era , alucino que fuese de barcelona, me invito  al concierto, firmandome mi tattoo del rock & roll over, el mismo que sale en el dvd nsecond coming, Paul y Peter tambien me firmaron el brazo, tengo un hueco esperando que Ace plasme la unica que me que me falta👏

Gene invitado en Barcelona (foto 14) , con mi koala jon lo maquillo y disfrazo como Demon, oigo un murmullo veo a mi hijo girarse y es Gene cogiendolo del hombro y presentandose , no me lo podia creer, lo llevaron al photocall y Gene and jon aparecieron en un monton de periodicos.

Otro sueño de chaval (foto14,15) era tener una foto con ellos maquillados, nunca quisé pagar un meet & greet, tanto de moda en estos ultimos años, siempre creí que ya daba bastante dinero como fan ( discos, revistas, merchandise, conciertos) pero se apareció la virgen en forma de socio de Gene y me prometió esa foto con ellos si venian a barcelona, no me lo creí, pero el tío cumplio con creces en Barcelona y al dia siguiente en Madrid, cuando acabe de hacerme la foto me lo encontré en los pasillos me abraze a el y no pare de llorar, pense que nunca llegaria a conseguirlo, pero ese sueño lo consegui.y por dos veces!!🤟🏻🤣🤣.

Foto 16 despedida Rock fest, aparecieron ycuando sonó I was made for loving you, saltaron las lagrimas, me di cuenta que nunca mas volveria a escuchar esa cancion en directo y sucedieron unos temas mas que brotaron mas  lagrimas.

Les di las gracias por formar parte de mi adolescencia, de mi vida y de ser parte de mi familia, 37 conciertos en unas cuantas etapas y formaciones diferentes, los fans de la vieja etapa saben de lo que hablo y de los fans de boquilla que no saben que i was made es su cancion mas popular a nivel mundial.

En su historia yo puedo chillar I WAS THERE!

Gracias por hacerme feliz en muchos momentos de mi vida.



Well, it took me a few days to digest the farewell to my entire group since 80/81 Kiss, 43 years of devotion, joys, sadness, deaths, deceptions and disappointments.

Except for my parents and my friend Alfredo, no one has spent so many years so close to me, not women, girlfriends, children, etc.: (not to be confused with love). A bittersweet taste through my personal kiss story that I am going to tell in a reduced way, in what are for me the precise and marked moments, possibly I will forget some, but that would possibly be for a book...

I was in the first year of Bup and my class friend (Alfredo) told me that a Kiss album was for sale, I told him that I would buy it photo1 Dynasty, although I was influenced by rock and roll, the disco music of the late 70s , yes it was very present in my childhood and pre-adolescence, seeing that cover with the 4 faces made up and listening to I was made for… was my anthem for a long time (and is still very present today).

A few weeks later a magazine appeared in the stationery store next to the school (photo 2) This is the Kiss life, a classmate went ahead and bought it, I requested it at a kiosk in my neighborhood and it took them two weeks to bring it to me, the stickers This magazine covered my folder that year, every night before going to bed I read the magazine, no math, no language, no homework, no nothing😂, noon I was done and night this is life, I learned the names of the components, and I dreamed of seeing them in concert, I don't know why my obsession in my mind was to see them in Madison Square Garden in New York, perhaps because they were formed there, they lived there, as a teenager I imagined seeing them there.Mi primer pirata (foto3) sneak attack, seeing that album hanging in Edisons could not be missing from my poor collection, followed by my first Spanish single (photo 4) Shock me Spanish from Diaco Alive 2 for 150 pesetas in Helter Skelter.

Year 83 they announced a concert in Barcelona (photo)5, I couldn't believe it, I could finally see them live, (photo 6), I would finally see their faces, although I had already seen them in a photo in Bravo magazine, it was a Shock, although I didn't care about the makeup, I think I had only seen them in the Christmas program on the Tocata program and the video clip I Love It Loud, with Lick It Up their video clip already appeared, but that concert was amazing.

Photo 18 trip to Donington 1988 record ticket sales, from 10 in the morning in the front row, several dead, bottle fight, I thought I would die in the line of duty without seeing Kiss  😅😂5 years without seeing them, when My eyes came out and were filled with tears, crazy nights, my fanaticism had increased in large doses, living in the 80s, being a fan of Kiss was very hard, the moñas wearing makeup, making disco music, pop, etc (photo7) still on fire that book He showed me pirates, singles that I had never seen in my life and that eventually found their way into my private collection.(Photo 8 the death of Eric Carr, the same day that Freddy Mercury died, a small obituary in the newspaper made me cry a lot, I saw him three times in concert, I liked him very much and I completed the cycle by buying my personal gold record. sales of Hot in the Shade to his sister, I personally communicated my excitement at having that album, since on the day of his death I listened to that album over and over all morning without being able to stop crying.

Photo 17 Kiss tour in England I'm going to Cardiff in 92, walking through its streets I saw a huge queue, they were signing Kiss and they were leaving, I went in as best I could and everything was full of the tallest English people in the world, I shouted Paul from Barcelona, ​​ohh yeah he came towards He took my Revenge album and signed it over Bruce's signature, 😅😅🙂🙂 everyone watching Koeman's goal winning the first European Cup me watching Kiss and almost killing myself to pick up the guitar that he broke in That concert, with 3 guys bigger than me, they didn't take it from me, a roadie jumped to separate it and flipped a coin, I don't know what the other guy had asked for, but I looked at the coin I saw its face, I picked up the guitar and legs Because I love you😂😂😂, I hid behind some steps and I saw how the three turkeys were looking for me, a local security saw everything, opened the emergency door and I ran out, 30 meters into the race two guys caught me and they showed me my police badge (they were secret)😂😂they made me lift my shirt to see what I was hiding... Paul Stanley's guitar! I screamed, they let me go, I arrived at the hotel shaking, torn shirt, scratches, blood all over my upper part of my body...Photo 12, kiss announce reunion in 96, boom everything explodes for me, without internet, I had to go to a cyber, I couldn't get tickets, I connected once a week, they put tickets on sale for the American tour, but what was I looking for? I? … fulfill my dream Madison Square Garden, 4 originals, sold out those two nights, I couldn't believe it every week connecting, tickets to all the concerts and sold out in NY, I didn't care, I traveled days in advance and 4 nights in a row I was able to fulfill that I dream as a teenager in my tiny room reading this is life Kiss, Donald Trump by my side, skid row, anthrax, shannon, nick, gene, Ace, I saw them all in person at the hotel where Kiss was staying. In photo 12 is the official tour poster with the 4 framed tickets from those concerts in NY.

Photo 9,10,11, 13 kiss in Barcelona, ​​I ate that entire tour Madrid, Zaragoza and obviously Barcelona, ​​they stayed in Barcelona for 5 days, I chased Gene in his limousine, and I was alone with him, I was shaking everything and he didn't say a word, I explained to him that the previous year I had gone to see them 4 nights in Ny, asking me where I was from, I was amazed that he was from Barcelona, ​​he invited me to the concert, signing my rock & roll over tattoo, the same one that appears On the second coming DVD, Paul and Peter also signed my arm, I have a space waiting for Ace to capture the only one I'm missing👏

Gene invited in Barcelona (photo 14), with my koala Jon I make him up and dress him up as Demon, I hear a murmur I see my son turn around and it's Gene taking him by the shoulder and introducing himself, no

I could believe it, they took it to the photocall and Gene and Jon appeared in a lot of newspapers.

Another dream as a kid (photo 14, 15) was to have a photo with them wearing makeup, I never wanted to pay for a meet & greet, so much in fashion in recent years, I always believed that I already gave enough money as a fan (records, magazines, merchandise, concerts ) but the virgin appeared in the form of Gene's partner and promised me that photo with them if they came to Barcelona, ​​I didn't believe it, but the guy more than delivered in Barcelona and the next day in Madrid, when I finished taking the photo I found him in the hallways, I hugged him and I couldn't stop crying, I thought I would never achieve it, but I achieved that dream. And twice!!🤟🏻🤣🤣.Photo 16 farewell Rock fest, they appeared and when I was made for loving you played, tears came, I realized that I would never listen to that song live again and a few more songs happened that brought more tears.

I thanked them for being part of my adolescence, my life and being part of my family, 37 concerts in a few different stages and formations, the fans of the old stage know what I'm talking about and the lip service fans who They don't know that I Was Made is their most popular song worldwide.

In your story I can scream I WAS THERE!

Thank you for making me happymany moments of my life.


Journey Into The Power Metal Abyss With JUDICATOR’s New EP “I Am The Void”


Left to right: Chad Anderson (Guitar), John Yelland (Vocals), Dayton Andersen (Guitar), Dalton Jolley (Drums), John Dolan (Bass)

Photo Credit - Demii Photography

Strap on your bullet belts and gird up your loins as American power metal stalwarts, Judicator, blaze a trail with their latest offering, the thunderous EP “I Am The Void”. After eleven years of unwavering dedication, numerous time zones, and resilient camaraderie, Judicator emerges once again, wielding a sonic sword that pierces the very fabric of the human experience. The band comments:

“‘I am the Void’ will scratch the itch of two different kinds of Judicator fans. Those who like the new direction of Judicator will enjoy the title track, while those who prefer our older “Cordisco-era” catalog will like “The Curse of Feanor.” There’s something in this EP for everyone.”

Having traversed a discography that spans a decade, Judicator's journey has been marked by releases such as “King of Rome”, “The Last Emperor”, and “Let There Be Nothing”. The artwork, a crucial visual counterpart to their sonic tapestry, is once again crafted by the talented Marc Whisnant, known for his work on “The Last Emperor” and “The Majesty of Decay'”. The EP was produced by John Yelland, mixed by Carlos Alvarez at Dirty Viking Audio, and mastered by Brett Caldas-Lima at Tower Studio; the artwork was done by Marc Whisnant.

Lyrically, Judicator continues their exploration of profound themes, grappling with subjects as weighty as cancer, relationships, and mortality. A common thread weaves through all their albums—an unwavering commitment to delving into the human heart and condition. “I Am The Void” is recommended for fans of Iron Savior, Helion Prime, and Blind Guardian.

“I Am The Void” is now available as of December 8th, 2023, at and digital at

Visualizer - "The Curse of Feanor” (Blind Guardian cover) -

Track Listing:
1. I am the Void (9:01)
2. The Curse of Feanor (5:51)
EP Length: 14:51

More info: | | |


"The Majesty of Decay is simply one of the best power metal albums released in the last few years, and potentially, my favorite Judicator yet." - Angry Metal Guy

"This album is guaranteed that fans of Judicator will be talking about it for years to come. There are those which will utterly hate this album as a release that has gone too far in one direction. However, this is a gamble which has paid off and ‘The Majesty of Decay’ is not only arguably one of the best albums released this year, but also debatably the best album that Judicator have ever released." - Metal Digest

“[Judicator is] unmatched when it comes to delivering an illuminating experience that is both energized and heartfelt.” — GBHBL

“Judicator is something new, but still something excellent. And we sing along, with open shirts and fists pointing to the sky.” — Devilution

Jon Asher - Music Publicist
Facebook @AsherMediaRelations
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NIGHTHAWK Live! ( Mighty Music 8 December 2023)

 In May 2023 Nighthawk released "Prowler" which was recorded at the world famous Abbey Road Studios. The album would go on to get rave reviews! A new album has already been recorded and this time the legendary Rockfield Studios was used. For fans of the band who just can't wait for the next studio album, here's a live EP, recorded at one of Nighthawk's rare appearances. These four songs were recorded live in Stockholm on December 2nd 2022.

Nighthawk is a soloproject started by Robert Majd (Metalite, Captain Black Beard) on guitar and features Björn Strid (Soilwork, The Night Flight Orchestra) on vocals among others.


1. Highest Score    (R.Majd/B.Strid)    [2:53]
2. Running Wild (R.Majd/C.Ek)    [3:19]
3. Action (R.Majd/B.Strid)        [2:20]
4. Free Your Mind (R.Majd)        [3:23]

Robert Majd - guitar
Björn Strid - lead vocals
Chris Ek - bass/backing vocals
Magnus Ulfstedt - drums
Richard Hamilton - keyboards

Recorded live in Stockholm on December 2nd, 2022 by Erik Modin.
Mixed and mastered by Sverker Widgren at Wing Studios.

Front cover background photo by Alessandro Oliverio
Front cover rock'n'roll photo by Kristian Reuter
Front cover artwork by Robert Majd

Pre-save link here

Crimson Butchery - "Repulsive Exhibition" (Death Metal from Ireland)


Artist: Crimson Butchery
Release Title: Repulsive Exhibition
Label: Self-Released
Release Date: October 1, 2023
Format: Digital
Genre: Death Metal
Country: Ireland

Repulsive Exhibition

Crimson Butchery


"Repulsive Exhibition" is Crimson Butchery's latest album, a tour-de-force in the death metal genre with eight tracks showcasing sheer brutality. The album is a significant step in the band's evolution, elevating their sound to new levels. Featuring the extraordinary talents of session drummer Kevin Talley, known for his work with Dying Fetus, Misery Index, and Chimaira, this album offers an unyielding onslaught of bone-crushing riffs, powerful percussion, and deep guttural vocals. It's a testament to Crimson Butchery's legacy in extreme metal and sets a new benchmark for the genre.


  • Vocals: Shane (Red) Corcoran

  • Guitars + Bass: John Roche

  • Session Drums: Kevin Talley


  1. Super Illuis Specula

  2. Repulsive Exhibition

  3. Mors Ontologica

  4. Necropolis Abortum

  5. Urban Cleansing

  6. Regurgitated Genitals

  7. Wrath

  8. Sermon Of Suffering

For Fans Of: Dying Fetus, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Amputated, Decrepit Birth

Recording Info:

  • Mixed and Mastered by Floor van Kuijk, GLDCHN Studios

Bandcamp: Repulsive Exhibition on Bandcamp
Facebook: Crimson Butchery on Facebook
YouTube: Crimson Butchery on YouTube
Spotify: Crimson Butchery on Spotify
Instagram: Crimson Butchery on Instagram
Apple Music: Crimson Butchery on Apple Music

French heavy metal pioneers NIGHTMARE premiere music video for Eternal Winter, re-recorded with new singer Barbara Mogore!

 user photo

 [photo: Jonathan Lhote]

Founded in 1979, French heavy metal pioneers NIGHTMARE have been an integral part of the

European metal scene for the past three decades, and have been prolific with their album

releases, all the while updating and evolving their sound.


The band released eleven much acclaimed studio albums and toured worldwide, playing some of the biggest metal festivals like Wacken, Hellfest, 70,000 Tons Of Metal, Motocultor Open Air or Gods Of Metal, and supporting the likes of Def Leppard, Sabaton, Saxon, Grave Digger and Blind Guardian to name just a few. 2020 seen NIGHTMARE release their latest album, Aeternam, via AFM Records. At the end of 2022, the band parted ways with singer Madie and welcomes their new, exceptional vocalist: Barbara Mogore! 


Says bassist and founding member Yves Campion: "With Barbara joining the band in September 2022, jumping immediately into live performances with Full Metal Holiday in Mallorca (October 2022), 70000 Tons Of Metal cruise in January 2023 and an extensive European tour together with labelmates Rhapsody Of Fire in spring 2023, we have improved into new highlights and goals reached by Barbara's talent to perform! Now, we are back to the studio for the recordings of what should be our most ambitious album so far, bringing Nightmare to new horizons, be ready to expect the unexpected!"


Give ear, as today, NIGHTMARE are premiering the debut of Barbara in a re-recorded, new version of "Eternal Winter"! Originally released on the band's 2009 classic, Insurrection, the track is now available on all digital services at , the new music video is now streaming here:


youtube thumb


The band comments: "We are thrilled to present our new music video! 
We choose to  take an old classic song from Nightmare and re-recorded it in the studio with our new vocalist Barbara, to give this track another vibe, a new musical approach and a new dimension. «Eternal Winter» never had it’s own music video, so we have decided to bring other highlights to this song and make it sound like you never heard it before..."


While NIGHTMARE is currently gearing up for a new record and tour dates in 2024, stay tuned for many more news to follow soon!



For More Info Visit:



Barbara Mogore
Franck Milleliri
Matt Asselbergs
Yves Campion
Nials Quiais

ZULDAR is back with a new single!


The melodic death metal band ZULDAR was formed in 1996 in Sopelana, Biscay. It all started when three friends (Urtzi Barceló, Ugaitz Aguilar and Egoitz Gorbea) who went to school together, discovered that they had similar musical tastes and decided to form a band without hardly knowing how to play instruments. Soon after, they gave their first concert in their school gymnasium, under the watchful eye of their future singer, Dalay Tarda (currently in Rise To Fall). Shortly after that concert, Egoitz Urrutia joined the band on bass and the band continued playing gigs in Biscay, with a concert in Bilbao's Bilborock hall where they recorded their first live CD.


Soon after, Alain (Dalay Tarda) joined the band and made his debut as a singer at the Sopelana festivities in 2002. With the line-up now complete, they released their first and only studio album "Zabalandi" in 2003, recorded and mixed in the Zehatz studios in Gorliz. After several concerts in The Basque Country and one in Zaragoza, they recorded four new songs at 666 Es-tu-dios in Plencia, where a clear evolution in their music could be appreciated, both compositionally and vocally, with a clear influence of the well-known Gothenburg sound, a style that originated in the early 90's as an evolution of American death metal. These songs were uploaded to their MySpace in 2004, but never saw the light of day in physical format. In the same year they were finalists in the Rock-Metal Emergenza contest and at the end of 2004 the band split up after a last show in Lujua.  


Zuldar were one of the first melodic death metal bands in The Basque Country and even in Spain and now, almost 20 years later, they are back with what according to them is the best music they have ever made.

Hellfire Agency