
Saturday, October 9, 2021

Terdor will release De Goddeloze Tolgaarder, their fourth album, on October 1

Terdor, in a dark conspiracy with the Catalan label Negra Nit, announce the release of their fourth album for October 1. De Goddeloze Tolgaarder has been written and recorded between 2013 and 2020, mixed by his guitar, bassist and drums Elschschappij Toveneare, and mastered by Den Zwervenaere. The artwork has been carried out by Marald Art, and it has managed to perfectly capture the uneasiness and restlessness that these two untitled songs convey, the first of 14 minutes and 44 seconds, and the second of 19 and 4 seconds.

Since its founding in 2005, the Dutch duo have made a journey that began in raw black to veer towards today's avant-garde and progressive black metal, but without ever abandoning the postulates of real black and its abrasive spirit. An evolution that reaches its greatest scope in De Goddeloze Tolgaarder, a harsh and heartbreaking work that requires several listeners to get to see all the gray landscapes and the number of nooks and crannies that this mysterious and treacherous swamp presents us with.

De Goddeloze Tolgaarder will only be released in LP format, in a limited edition of 200 copies on vinyl of 175 grams, and you can now make your pre-order through this link


Negra Nit



HUNDRED HEADLESS HORSEMEN: Watch their live stream concert


Live concert:


Hundred Headless Horsemen is a psychedelic death metal band hailing from Helsinki, Finland. Their first full-length, concept album titled “Apokalepsia” was released through Inverse Records on 21 May 2021.

The album has been received very positively by publications that cater to left-field metal tastes. No Clean Singing blog wrote ”...think of HHH as the Death Metal equivalent of their more “blackened” countrymen in Oranssi Pazuzu, a band with whom they not only share a love of sludgy grooves and psychotropic sounds, but also an almost pathological aversion to playing by the rules.” Tempelores webzine stated: "Apokalepsia is a masterwork and worthy of multiple re-listens to peel back the layers and find some clarity." More reviews for the album can be found from:

The band blends together different subgenres of metal from current and past time frames to create their own unique brand of psychedelic death metal. Their musical approach mirrors the background narrative of the album that moves in multiple time and space dimensions based on fragments of scientific articles found about a formerly unknown psychoneurological condition: Apokalepsia.

Apokalepsia is a group of symptoms characterized by recurrent seizures. These episodes can vary from brief and nearly undetectable interludes to long periods of vigorous shaking, hyperventilation, suffocating despair and a failure to function in a world defined by its imminent devastation. Many victims also describe vivid visual and auditory hallucinations during apokaleptic seizures. The journal entries of these formerly unknown cases tell much about the inner struggles of the victims:

“The momentum that upholds life comes from death, darkness and decay. No matter how delusional we become, our efforts will never be grand enough to transcend this circular motion. In stark contrast to nature, the economy was always a fiction. A fiction that nevertheless had very real consequences to our lives, which have led us to the profound misinterpretation of its true form. The system we had built long ago is now eating us alive.”

“Many of us had bright ideas, but in the end, our egos were always standing between the ideas and actually living them. Were we ever able to remind ourselves that the whole spectrum of life upon this earth was just as precious as our own? Or did we merely fall back to building fortresses against our own fears?”

Apokalepsia was composed, performed, produced by Hundred Headless Horsemen. The band remains anonymous, but was joined by Mikko Suikkanen on electric violin and Saergu on synthesizers in “The Road”, as well as Titus on percussion on “The Road” and “Spleen”. The album was recorded by Valtteri Virolainen and Titus, mixed by Valtteri Virolainen and mastered by Magnus Lindberg Productions. Photographer and visual artist Karl Ketamo ( worked with us to create a visual form for our concept.

Apokalepsia – Track listing:

1. The Road
2. No Longer Human
3. Breath of Death
4. Echoes
5. Spleen
6. Cataclysm


Music video for Cataclysm:
Music video for No Longer Human:
Music video for Echoes:


Saratoga agregan nuevas fechas a su gira xxx aniversario. Mérida, Granada y Toledo


Fechas 2021


Saratoga está en su mejor momento, y es que no dejan de incorporarse fechas a su recientemente anunciada gira XXX ANIVERSARIO.
A las últimamente publicadas, se suman 2 festivales:
-16 de octubre, Acerock III, Acueducto de los Milagros, Mérida.
-27 de noviembre, Alalma Music Festival II, Granada.
Y un concierto:
-10 de diciembre, Numancia de la Sagra, Toledo.









Numancia de la Sagra (Toledo)




Adquiere tus entradas anticipadas de la gira, y encuentra más de una sorpresa!

⚜️Santiago de Compostela ⚜️
"El Viaje en el Tiempo no ha hecho más que comenzar"

  🎥Te invitamos a ver su último videoclip ⬇


Si Amaneciera




SOLAR CROSS: Finnish Progressive Death Metal Trio Featuring Omnium Gatherum Alumni To Release Echoes Of The Eternal Word Debut Via Transcending Records November 19th; New Track Streaming + Preorders Available

Finnish progressive death metal trio SOLAR CROSS, featuring former members of Omnium Gatherum, will release their Echoes Of The Eternal Word debut full-length on November 19th via Transcending Records. 
Since prehistoric times, a cross within a circle has been a symbol for wholeness. It represents the great cycle of being, the mythic Eternal Return. This powerful primordial symbolism can be heard in the music of SOLAR CROSS: straightforward yet nuanced metal with lyrics that draw inspiration from Finnish folklore and personal ritual relationship with natural cycles.
Formed by a triumvirate of the brothers Harri Pikka, Lauri Pikka, and Jarmo Pikka, the archetypal quaternity is completed by the lyricist, author Matti Rautaniemi. The band’s impending debut album, Echoes Of The Eternal Word, crosses the boundaries between ancient and modern. It strikes deep into the most primal layers of its listener’s soul.
In advance of the record’s release, today the band unleashes first single, “Bloodstreams.”
Comments guitarist Harri Pikka of the track, " ‘Bloodstreams’ is the first ever song written, recorded, and mixed for SOLAR CROSS so it's justified to go out first. Vocalist Lauri [Pikka] did some experimental percussive breathing exercises throughout the song creating this saw-like rhythm. The song leans on a steady shamanic groove of the beginning and the end, the adventurous thrash middle section ups the ante. The visualizer video goes well with the mood of the song."
Adds lyricist Matti Rautaniemi, “The idea for ‘Bloodstreams’ came from participating in a shamanic workshop, during which I experienced these lines of ancestral blood as an infinite rhizome of red streams — like a network of veins but extending far beyond my body. The song is about the fact that each one of us is connected to this vast network of ancestors. If we acknowledge this, and cultivate a reciprocal relationship with our roots, we can receive nourishment and support from these living streams which run through us and extend beyond us."
View SOLAR CROSS’ “Bloodstreams” visualizer at THIS LOCATION.
Echoes Of The Eternal Word will be released on CD and digital formats with the LP to follow at a later date. Find physical preorders at THIS LOCATION and digital orders HERE.
Echoes Of The Eternal Word Track Listing:
1. Kaukomieli
2. Jatuli
3. Bloodstreams
4. Valkoparta
5. The Ever-Unfolding
6. High God
7. The Wheel Turns
8. Mother Of Wolves
9. Technophiliac Trance
10. Vipunen
11. From Secret Source
12. Golden, Crowned and Pure
Lauri Pikka - vocals
Harri Pikka - guitars, bass
Jarmo Pikka – drums

For SOLAR CROSS coverage contact

Earsplit PR | Liz Ciavarella-Brenner |
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