
Sunday, October 3, 2021

TORMENTOR – CROWN OF SHAME (Review by Varg The Mighty)


Today’s review is of German Thrash Metal band Tormentor’s upcoming new EP, out on November 12th.

While the Kreator worship is still clearly apparent, especially in the Petrozza-like vocal performance, this EP shows a more modern approach with some slight experimentation with slower parts and greater technique, though the old-school undertone is still there in all moments.

Mixing the fast-paced Teutonic aggression with elements of the new wave of Thrash Metal, the release displays musical maturity, though some diehard fans may not fully enjoy the slight turn in their direction. Nonetheless, tracks such as the title track still have a classic Teutonic Thrash Metal approach mixed with epic layers that may remind of 90s Kreator while “The Burden And The Grief” takes a more ominous twist in the likes of Venom’s “Warhead” or “Manitou” combined with their own style, producing a really long closer to send shivers down your spine.

I recommend this album to fans of Thrash Metal. My rating is of 8/10.



Seven Nines and Tens - Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers (Willowtip Records Release: 7 January 2022)

Vancouver (BC) - Musically progressive and sonically expansive, Canada's Seven Nines and Tens signed to Willowtip Records earlier this year and will release Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers on January 7, 2022.

Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers still features the sounds on which the band made their name (Post Hardcore, Shoegaze, Progressive Rock, and Math Metal), but features some new stylistic touchstones, such as 70's hard rock, classic rock, and jazz styles. All in all, Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers aims to be one of the finest metal albums to be released in 2022 and a career highlight for the band.

Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers marks the first time that band founder/songwriter David Cotton wrote lyrics/sang vocals on a Seven Nines and Tens record. The band was never intended to be instrumental and the addition of vocals coupled with the tightest set of songs of their career seems to have elevated the band's sound to another level. In writing the record the band performed live with a ton of acts including Minus the Bear, Alcest, Pinkish Black, Nothing, Elder, Astronoid, Royal Thunder, and many others. The new album marks the arrival of the Seven Nines and Tens sound.  

"Seven Nines and Tens are about to shake hands with an entirely new audience. The Vancouver-based post-whatever-you-got anti-genre purveyors have inked a deal to release their cumbersomely-titled third full-length — deep breath in — Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers, through Western Pennsylvania imprint Willowtip Records, who are more known for doling out grind and various other forms of extreme metal than heavy or experimentalist rock, but have always had an ear for the forward-thinking."
- The Obelisk

Seven Nines and Tens' third album, Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers, is the follow-up to their 2012 debut album Habitat 67, sophomore album Set the Controls for the Heart of the Slums, and 2019 career-spanning cassette boxset Satisfy the Faction.


Album Credits:

Over Opiated in a Forest of Whispering Speakers was recorded at Raincity Recorders in Vancouver British Columbia (Canada).

The album was written by David Cotton (guitar/vocals).

The album was produced by David Cotton, Matt Roach, and Adam Vee.

The album was mixed and mastered by Adam Vee.

The album cover was designed by Ahmed Emad Eldin. Eldin's most well-known work is the cover of the 2016 Pink Floyd Endless River album.

The Seven Nines and Tens logo was designed by Conrad Keely.

The layout for the record was done by Sage Davies


David Cotton (Guitar/Vocals)
Maximillian Madrus (Bass/Vocals)
Alexander Glassford (Drums/Vocals)

Band photos by Milton Stille 

Band/Label Links: 
Willowtip on Spotify




Available in mid October in VINYL / CD / FULL DIGITAL

Co production with Vollmer Industries / Burial Records / Drown Within Records / Fresh Outbreak Records / Desperate Infant Records / P.O.G.O. records


Enola is a quintet from Toulouse, born in 2012. Thomas (ex-Death Valley Club, ex-Cheval), Mitch (Vauban), Stef (Auriga), Arnaud (Auriga) and Jordi (Feed the Cat, My Own Private Alaska, Shape ) distill a chaotic hardcore mixed with oppressive atmospheres. After a few EPs (The light from below in 2014, Volutes in 2017), the group has forged a solid experience of the scene alongside confirmed bands such as Hypno5e, Presence of Soul, Storm [o], Ingrina, Guevnna or The Rodeo Idiot Engine.

At the end of 2019, Enola stabilizes his line-up. They recorded their first album Inner Ruins in late 2020, mastered by Thibault Chaumont of Deviant Lab (Birds in Row, Trepalium, Carpenter Brut, Mass Hysteria…).