
Wednesday, February 14, 2024

DISHUMANIZED - Austrian thrash/death metal

 Dishumanized is a solo project of Harald Berger.

After his first steps as a drummer and singer, he switched to guitar and joined the death metal band Diabolic Voices in 2000. After the singer left the band, he also took over the vocal duties. They recorded the demo "Screams of Anger" in 2003. After a few line-up changes, the band's style shifted towards a more Thrashmetal influenced sound, and they changed their name to Zerofour in 2004.

They recorded the EP "Only Time" (2005) and the two albums "The Desert of Reality" (2006) and "The Downfal of Humanity" (2008). For the "Downfall" album, Harald has written a whole concept about the decline of humanity through wars, false religious beliefs and dehumanization through technocracy. This album received very positive reviews in Austrian and German metal magazines, and laid the foundations for the Dishumanized project.

In 2009 he left Zerofour to concentrate fully on his new band Deathplagued, which he had founded in 2008. Unfortunately, the band broke up in 2011 after releasing only one album ("Beyond" 2009).

Frustrated by all the drama and line-up problems that happen in a band, he founded his solo project Dishumanized in 2017, where he plays and programs all the instruments himself to realize his vision. The musical direction is mainly influenced by thrash and death metal, but Harald's love for bands like Iron Maiden, Pink Floyd and even Rammstein can also be heard. After some singles, the debut album "The Maze of Solitude" was released in 2023. In the future, Harald would like to bring the Dishumanized project to the stage with live members and produce further albums with the help of guest musicians.


What does the whole Dishumanized project stand for?

The entire concept is critically directed against the dehumanization of humanity through brainwashing by mass-media and religious institutions, and the creeping dependence on technology. We live in a society that has made itself a slave to technology. One (un)word we have been hearing more and more often recently is "optimization". Technologies of all kinds are supposed to make our tedious everyday lives easier. Of course machines are helpful - to a certain extent! But if at some point all activities are taken over by programs and robots, humans will become obsolete. Smartphone addiction has also reached a sad peak. While zombies used to be considered pure fiction, they are now a sad reality. The invasion of cell phone zombies has long since begun. In the past, young children had to be told to look left and right when crossing the road. Today, so-called "smombies" of all ages roam the streets without a second thought. Does this mean that the principle of trust has been abolished for them too? Of course, technology and progress are helpful and important to a certain extent. But I'm not talking about the technology itself, I'm talking about the people who can't use it. As we all sadly know, people have often misused technology that was originally developed with a clear conscience to create something terrible!


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