
Saturday, November 5, 2022

THE 69 EYES / ROMANTHICA - 23/09/22 BARCELONA.SALA SALAMANDRA (Review By Javier Barba Vallejo )

 El pasado Sábado 24 / 9 asistimos al concierto que ofreció la banda finlandesa 69 Eyes junto a la banda local Romanthica que abrió la noche para ellos en la sala Salamandra de L'  Hospitalet (Barcelona).
Este era un concierto aplazado por la pandemia Covid-19 ,  de hecho las entradas fueron un regalo que le hice a Ana en las Navidades de 2019 , pero quien iba a pensar la que se nos venía encima !!!.
Conservamos siempre las entradas mientras no se anulase y eso que las promotoras Eclipse Group & RRS Promo  devolvieron el dinero creo que en dos o tres ocasiones , pero consideramos que aportariamos nuestro granito de arena a un sector que lo paso tan mal como es el de los espectáculos y música en directo .
...Y como todo pasa , lo bueno y lo malo nos plantamos Ana y yo a finales de Septiembre del 2023 con muchisimas ganas de verlos.

 La banda telonera que abria el concierto , Romanthica y sus componentes habían pedido por las redes que se acudiese pronto al concierto para verles y disfrutar de su música .
Ya sea porque era Sábado , día festivo en la ciudad o que el llamamiento tuvo la repercusión deseada pero su concierto tuvo mucha expectación , cuando entramos a la sala quedaba poco para el sold Out habrian unas 700 personas y casi la totalidad ya estaba presente cuando empezó Romanthica , excelente banda Gothic Rock/Metal creada de la fusión de músicos de las bandas Embelish e Ironica , bandas ya conocidas en nuestra escena musical , esa noche con gran elegancia escénica ofrecieron el Rock Gótico que tan bien saben hacer , David Gohe con su "deje" del mejor Bunbury en los años dorados de Heroes Del Silencio deleitó y ánimo al público en todo momento haciéndonos disfrutar , recordándonos que todos los allí presentes esa noche éramos unos supervivientes de la maldita pandemia , a Rubén Rosas  el guitarra y co-alma matter de la banda se le veía disfrutar como un bellaco sobre el escenario con unas poses "de foto" junto al otro guitarra y el bateria , no llevaban bajista y tampoco ninguno de ellos tocó teclados en toda la actuación , así que los llevarían pregrabados , al igual que los teclados en 69 Eyes que nunca han llevado en directo , pero el caso es que condujeron un bolazo elegante , cañero , emotivo cuando lo requirió , muy satisfactorio y agradable de ver y así se lo reconoció el público de la sala en su despedida.

Para tiempo más tarde sumergirse la sala en la oscuridad y levantarse el telón , mientras al ritmo de "Train Kept A-Rollin' " de Johnny Burnette iba saliendo cachondamente la banda al escenario ante el griterio de toda gente , hasta comenzar con "Devils" desde el primer monento ya flipe con las poderosas "natas" que mete Jussi Vuore a la batería luciendo  una férrea tableta de chocolate de 70.000 horas de abdominales , aunque este año no nos deleitó con sus graznidos de cuervo cabreado , ni cantando ninguna canción , una lástima...
Tiraban de su mejor repertorio de Goth 'n' Roll con canciones como "Cheyenna" , "Chair" , "Drive" , "Betty Blue" o "Sister of Charity" y eso me hacía recordar el porqué desde que los ví la primera vez , los puse en la lista de bandas imprescindibles a las que ir a verles si vienen en concierto , porque es ir a tiro fijo con estos macarras oscuros del Rock 'n' Roll . Jirky Linnankivi haciendo honor al apodo de la banda "Los Vampiros De Helsinki" lucia sobre su cara pálida mortecina de rasgos afilados de una lisa melena negra a conjunto con todo él , un gótico rocanrolero seco como un palo de voz hueca y majestuosa de catacumba.
Nos cayeron exitazos de la talla "Never Say Die" , " Gothic Girl" , "Mrs Sleazy" , " Two Horns Up" , en la que la sala era un hervidero de Manos Cornutas (símbolo de la supersticion cristiano / diabolica extrapolado al Rock por el Dios Ronnie James Dio ) .

 Los guitarras Timo y "Bazie" (Pasi Moilanen) Estuvieron tremendos en todo momento , al igual que el bajista Archzie que dio una contundente base rítmica junto a Jussi , mientras el concierto seguía con  "Wassting The Dawn" , "27 & Done" y hasta que con los clásicos "Feel Berlin" y "Brandon Lee" abandonaron el escenario dejando gritar al público pedir que saliesen a por un bis , cosa que inevitablemente hicieron descargando su artillería pesada en tres temazos "Framed In Blood" , "Dance d' Amour" , para acabar con su mayor éxito "Lost Boys" en un final muy molón cuando Jirky con pose de chulito señaló al público y con su voz hueca dijo "Remember we are the ones and true Helsinki Vampires" , le quedó BRUTAAAAAAAL  !!!!! .... y ya se despidieron muy simpáticos repartiendo púas y set list entre las primeras filas .
Un gran bolazo que dejó satisfecho a todo el público .
Aquí estaremos esperandoles en su próximo tour vampírico !!!!


 Last 9/24 we attended the concert offered by the Finnish band 69 Eyes together with the local band Romanthica that opened the night for them in Salamandra in L' Hospitalet (Barcelona).
This was a concert postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, in fact the tickets were a gift I gave Ana for Christmas 2019, but who would have thought the one that was coming our way!!!
We always keep the tickets as long as they are not cancelled, even though the promoters Eclipse Group & RRS Promo returned the money I think on two or three occasions, but we believe that we would contribute our grain of sand to a sector that had such a bad time as the shows and live music.
...And as everything happens, the good and the bad Ana and I planted ourselves at the end of September 2023 with a lot of desire to see them.

The opening band that opened the concert, Romanthica and its components had asked through the networks to come to the concert soon to see them and enjoy their music.
Whether it was because it was Saturday, a public holiday in the city or because the call had the desired repercussion but his concert had a lot of expectation, when we entered the room there was little left for the Sold Out there would be about 700 people and almost all of them were already present when it started Romanthica, an excellent Gothic Rock/Metal band created from the fusion of musicians from the bands Embelish and Ironica, bands already known in our music scene, that night with great stage elegance offered the Gothic Rock that they know how to do so well, David Gohe with his " leave" of the bestBunbury en los años dorados de Heroes Del Silencio delighted and encouraged the public at all times making us enjoy, reminding us that all of us present that night were survivors of the damn pandemic, Rubén Rosas the guitar and co-soul matter of the band was seen enjoying himself like a miscreant on stage with some "photo" poses next to the other guitarist and drummer, they didn't have a bass player and neither did any of them play keyboards throughout the performance, so they would have them pre-recorded, just like the keyboards in 69 Eyes that they have never played live , but the fact is that they led an elegant ball, powerful, emotional when required, very satisfying and pleasant to watch and that is how the audience in the room recognized it at their farewell.

For some time later, the room was submerged in darkness and the curtain was raised, while to the rhythm of "Train Kept A-Rollin'" by Johnny Burnette, the band came out hornily on stage before the shouting of all the people, until beginning with "Devils" From the first moment I was already freaked out by the powerful "creams" that Jussi Vuore puts on the drums, sporting an iron bar of chocolate with 70,000 hours of abs, although this year he did not delight us with his angry crow squawks, nor did he sing any song, a pity...

They used their best Goth 'n' Roll repertoire with songs like "Cheyenna", "Chair", "Drive", "Betty Blue" or "Sister of Charity" and that made me remember why since I saw them the first time , I put them on the list of essential bands to go see if they come in concert, because it's going to be a fixed shot with these dark Rock 'n' Roll badasses. Jirky Linnankivi honoring the band's nickname "The Vampires Of Helsinki" looked on his dull pale face with sharp features of a smooth black mane in conjunction with all of him, a dry rock 'n' roll gothic as a stick with a hollow and majestic catacomb voice.
We hit hits like "Never Say Die", "Gothic Girl", "Mrs Sleazy", "Two Horns Up", in which the room was a hive of Horned Hands (symbol of Christian / diabolical superstition extrapolated to Rock by the God Ronnie James Dio).
The guitars Timo and "Bazie" (Pasi Moilanen) They were tremendous at all times, as was the bassist Archzie who gave a forceful rhythmic base with Jussi, while the concert continued with "Wassting The Dawn", "27 & Done" and until with the classics "Feel Berlin" and "Brandon Lee" they left the stage, letting the audience shout asking them to come out for an encore, which they inevitably did, unloading their heavy artillery in three great songs "Framed In Blood", "Dance d' Amour", to end his biggest hit "Lost Boys" in a very cool finale when Jirky with a cocky pose pointed to the audience and with his hollow voice said "Remember we are the ones and true Helsinki Vampires", it was BRUTAAAAAAAL!! !!! .... and they said goodbye very nicely handing out picks and set list among the front rows.
A great ball that satisfied the entire public.
Here we will be waiting for you on your next vampire tour!!!!


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