
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Veterans: Singapore Based Metal Band Release live 360° Video for Old Sour

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VETERANS get all tech with an awesome 360° video for their track Old Sour - recorded live at 4th Wall Studios in Singapore. 

Old Sour showcases VETERANS signature groove and thrash metal sensibilities - driven by the rhythm of the drums and the huge bass tones intertwined with thrashing guitars and pissed-off vocals. Veterans' debut album Fake Quiet and Peace is available now on all major platforms. It was recorded in Singapore by Leonard Soosay at Snakeweed Studios, mixed by Jesse Gander of Rain City Recorders (3 Inches of Blood, Subhumans, Anciients), and mastered by the grammy-winning Alan Douches from West West Side Music (Mastodon, Dillinger Escape Plan, Kvelertak).

Kike Valderrama - Vocals
Neil Halliday - Drums
Matt Hughes - Guitar
Martin Vlaskovsky - Guitar
Badr Fadil - Bass

Veterans are grizzled, graying rockers with both feet in the  grave. Fronted by the deplorable Kike Valderrama (Headcrusher, Sol de Sangre, Adarrak) and backed by a decaying rhythm section hanging on for dear life, these axe-weilding, bone-smashing motorheads exhumed a pungent mix of metal, punk, hardcore, and formaldehyde that keeps you headbanging til someone needs to change your sheets. Neil Halliday (Deus Ex Machina) bangs the drums, Matt Hughes and Martin Vlaskovsky swing the axes, and Badr Fadil wields the bass.

Veterans - Old Sour

Live 360° Video


  1. Buried
  2. Agenda
  3. End of Times
  4. Old Sour
  5. Bitter Pill
  6. Right for the Throat
  7. Opportuniac
  8. Manufacturing Consent
Veterans Link Tree:
Black-Roos Entertainment Website


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