
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

PUTREVORE - “Miasmal Monstrosity”

is back with a new album “Miasmal Monstrosity”, which is arguably the heaviest. Set to be released in October 2021 through Xtreem Music.


“Miasmal Monstrosity” - Bandcamp

PUTREVORE started back in May 2004 as a project band from Dave Rotten (AVULSED/ HOLYCIDE/ CHRIST DENIED) and Rogga Johansson (PAGANIZER/ RIBSPREADER/ GRISLY) with the intention of creating a very heavy, dark, putrid and primitive Death Metal band totally inspired in some of the most brutal acts from the late '80s and early '90s. Nothing new, nothing original, just keeping the spirit alive!

The chosen name was DEADBREATH and it was going to be Riky, drummer in AVULSED, who was going to take care of the drumming duties. However, in late summer 2007, the band's name was changed into PUTREVORE after seeing that another Swedish band emerged later with a similar moniker, so to avoid possible mistakes, a more brutal name was chosen which suits much better the band's style.

From 2004 to 2007, Rogga was slowly writing a total of 8 songs that would embody the band's debut album, but due to the lack of time, Riky was not able to work on the drum parts and it was David Ekevarn (Davve), a friend from Rogga who accepted to record the drums as a session member. This was in November 2007 and in December, Dave Rotten added vocals in Madrid. The debut album "Morphed From Deadbreath" was finally mixed and mastered during April 2008 and released in September 2008 through Xtreem Music.

Four years passed until in early 2012 a second album was started to be recorded, this time with Brynjar Helgetun on session drums. The "Macabre Kingdom" album was initially released on 12"LP vinyl in July of the same year, followed by a CD version in late October, both on Xtreem Music. An extra song was recorded on the same sessions which would be used later on for a split 7" EP with Mexicans PUTREFACT, out in January 2014 through german label Unholy Prophecies Records.

In early 2015, a new album was started to be recorded, again with Brynjar Helgetun on drums and this time it was entirely mixed and mastered by Dave Rotten at his own Sanctuary Studios for a release in October of the same year, again by Xtreem Music. The title of this album was “Tentacles of Horror”, and again an extra song was recorded which was later used on another split 7” EP with dutch GRIM FATE
out in March 2019 through Dawnbreed Records.

A new album was written and recorded during 2020, once again with Brynjar Helgetun on drums and this time the album was mixed at his own Brainjar Studios, being finished in April 2021. “Miasmal Monstrosity”, which is arguably the heaviest and most brutal album by PUTREVORE so far, will be released in October 2021 again through Xtreem Music on CD, 12” LP, Cassette & digital formats.



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