
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Mescaleros - No Fear No Limits (The Fish Factory 2021) (Review by Didac "Metallian" López)

The fourth work of Mescaleros has finally been released,
"No Fear No Limits". As I mentioned to Amadeo a few days ago, this fourth album for me is the best to date. I think that this stop with the pandemic has given them more time to elaborate it, they have captured all their influences and creativity.
From their first song "Dreams" they start with that Rock and Roll to which we are accustomed.
"The Feeling" has a catchy chorus and a great guitar solo that gives a glimpse of where the shots are going. It is followed by "Away" and "So Many Clouds" that begins with a distorted voice and a piano base and A chorus of those that you do not forget. It is followed by "Nights Is Where I Belong", The Dark Of My Soul "giving way to" Invincible "with another masterful guitar solo.
"Wiser" is another song that does not go out of your head, and with another great chorus.
"Light My Way" follows the same path as the previous ones- And finally "Sueños" acoustic adaptation of his first song "Dreams ·
I really liked the inclusion of keyboards in some of the songs,
Recorded and produced by Manu Reno at "Rusty Soul Studios.
Mescaleros are:
Amadeo Digón: Voice
Alfonso Digón: Guitar
Manu Reno: Bass
Sergio Gavin: Drums
 The album has been released by The Fish Factory label


My rating 9/10

Didac "Metallian" López


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