
Monday, March 22, 2021

MARC VANWAY, leader of BAD WAY, the first Spanish artist to release a song in NFT (Non Fungible Token) format.

Marc Vanway, the leader of the Barcelonan rock band "Bad Way", has just become the first Spanish music artist to release a song in NFT (Non Fungible Token) format. Until now, groups like Kings of Leon had released their music in the NFT format and only in February 2021, according to data collected by Cherie Hu, Water & Music did the NFTs achieve sales in the music industry of $ 21 million.


"The Snake", the song that Marc Vanway has put on sale, is an unreleased song recorded some years ago but that had not seen the light until today, and of which only a single copy has been released for sale to a price of 1000 Eth (Ethereums, at the current exchange rate of 1.7 million $ approx.). The artist has declared: "I have no intention of it being sold, and hence the price, but it is a historical milestone as it is the first song by a Spanish artist to come out in this format. I wanted to do it so that other Spanish artists can get closer to it. to this new technology and to be able to innovate at a time when, in the absence of live music, it is almost impossible for an artist to survive ".


NFTs (Non Fungible Token) are like cryptocurrencies, but instead of having a monetary value, they have an artistic value, and are linked to a crypto network (in this case to Ethereum), so when someone buys an NFT, that piece of art is linked to your crypto wallet, which is what guarantees ownership of that piece of art. In this way, it is impossible to counterfeit it as it is a unique digital asset that cannot be replaced by anything else.


Recently, DJ 3LAU sold NFTs in a single auction worth more than $ 11 million, or artist Grimes sold numerous songs for $ 6 million, and numerous artists are jumping into this new technology.


At the moment, in Spain, we already have the first launch.


Sale link:


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