
Wednesday, August 26, 2020

OBÚS- 40 YEARS OF WORK AND HISTORY- They postpone their show at La Riviera

It seems that it was yesterday when almost 40 years ago (next 2021 will be said anniversary) some neighborhood youth fulfilled their dream. With a record in your market and fill the legendary Madrid Pavilion. Gone are many nights with you, many joys and many hours of effort that has rewarded us with each applause and with your warmth that we felt on stage. From the largest Festival to the smallest town, from the largest concert hall to the smallest, from any corner of the world… .. the OBÚS machinery had never stopped.

This 2020 for the first time a global pandemic has paralyzed us all. It is the moment that we need you the most for your love, your applause, your choirs,… .enjoying our live musical coven. We are aware of everything that is happening and we are experiencing something that is changing our way of life; the day to day. Now we all have to rest and of course we have to comply with some rules but the pandemic has paralyzed all our work, all our illusions and all direct contact with you.

Above all we want your security so that the world will at some point return to resemble what it was; Well if we could change something and be better people we will enjoy more of everything on and in front of a stage. We want to see you soon.

We demand in front of the competent authorities that the music not stop; that we all look for formulas so that everyone who lives around it (all its industry without leaving anyone and that together we generate more than 3% of GDP; quite necessary now in these tough times).

That everyone who enjoys music can continue to participate in concerts safely. We do not pretend not to comply with the rules at all and we do not want to compare ourselves with other sectors which have been given other "regulations" or simply have not been met. Now is the time for safety but it is also the time to regain a normalcy that feeds your soul with culture.

While looking for these formulas that have to be immediate because we have been unemployed for many months. We would like to claim as a historical band but we want all the possible bands and musicians who really want to be on stage join. Our support to all our co-workers regardless of their role (you are all essential).
We comment that the La Riviera event due to the restriction of leisure in closed spaces we postpone it to a new date that we will inform you and the money will be returned to all buyers. Thanks to all of them. Thanks to La Riviera and all its staff for continuing to fight in something that live music has always believed and where we hope to see colleagues on stage soon.
Let's hope and we hope that very soon we will be doing what we like the most with you. From sanity and prudence we will fight.
Take care of yourselves and respect all people by complying with the rules and using our best weapon against the virus: the brain.

We want to celebrate many years with you on stage all over the corners of ROCK.
OBúS (Fortu and Paco)

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