
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

KEKAL - Quantum Resolution - (Avant-Garde Metal)

For fans of Iapetus, MASTER BOOT RECORD and Ulcerate
Genre tags: Avant-Garde Metal / Experimental Metal / Electronic / Progressive Rock
From the depths of Jakarta — Indonesia's urban maze, Kekal shares a premiere of their new album "Quantum Resolution": a 56-minute radical sonic odyssey of spacetime-bending experimental/avant-garde metal. Available in digital download, streaming, and CD formats.

Released to coincide with Kekal's 25th anniversary, "Quantum Resolution" is the band's 12th full-length album, and also the 2nd concept album after 2007's "The Habit of Fire", with all the songs relate themselves to the main/central theme. Thematically, the album is based on the spiritual insight, or Gnosis: The revelation about knowing who we really are as a species and as Humanity and where we are going. The lyrics dig with our dark history from a distant past, and also dig into our present time and future as well: what is our role here on Earth, and how do we deal with all the deceptions that are so rampant and very structural encompassing every aspect of life, as we are closing the chapter of our present age. The music accompanies every song's temperament and general mood led by the lyrics. Stylistically, the album follows Kekal's faithful tradition by utilizing avant-garde and alternative approaches to various expressions of rock, metal and electronic music.
Kekal was formed in 1995 in Jakarta, Indonesia. According to AllMusic, Kekal was one of the first heavy metal bands from Indonesia to make international inroads, and according to sociologist of heavy metal, Keith Kahn-Harris, was one of the few extreme metal bands from Southeast Asia to ever make more than a minimal impression on the global scene. Kekal is known as the first band from Indonesia who toured Europe back in 2004, and since 2009 has become a band without official members, with former members and other musicians voluntarily contributing together in collaboration to make new albums up to this date. Most of the band's music are now released to public through Creative Commons license, and 4 albums are also available for free download through Bandcamp including the critically-acclaimed "1000 Thoughts of Violence" (2003) and "The Habit of Fire" (2007).

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