
Thursday, August 13, 2020

Javier Barba Vallejo, fan and collector of SAXON.

Well finally the book Denim And Leather (Saxon's first ten years) has reached me from Canada, with a personal dedication by its author Martin Popoff.
For those interested in it, it is only edited in English and is only sold by the author from Canada, for what a jerk I am with English I will say that it seems easy to read even until I venture to read it translating it as my first book in English.
If desired, the author dedicates it personally, or to the name that is told if it is for a gift (quite a detail). Of course, it reaches the Peninsula at € 42 and it is about 250 pages I think .... the poor of our country plays against us with the economic level of Canada.
I, to get your purchase in English, use my great friend in Anglo / Canadian affairs Anna Velasco Mitjans, to clarify things and not end up buying the memoirs of Justín Beaver.


As the name of this book indicates, it only deals with the history of the first ten years of the
Band, I hope it succeeds and Popoff ventures to write a second part in which he tells us his story to this day. Since it would be interesting for someone to tell their story about how they were among the great groups, how their popularity fell and they never fainted fighting and how they overcame that crisis and the subsequent upsurge they have been experiencing since 2015.
Since I am involved in this post I teach the other book of Saxon, or rather the Autobiographical of its singer Peter "Biff" Byford helped by the music journalist and writer John Tucker.
With the title of Never Surrender (Or Nearly good looking) it is a much more personal book with photos and very interesting text that place the reader in the situation of the time of his small town in his childhood, beginnings in music, his friendship with Paul Quinn etc, etc ... with sorrows and glories to this day.

Well no, the book is from April 2007 in its difficult day to get around here I remember, but that was not a problem for my great friend Jordi Herraiz infallible metal jewelry tracker in English speaking on the net and he got it for me ....
Take it now !!!

Then I already worried about carrying it in my backpack on some tours so that Byford and Saxon could sign it for me, I remember that one of those tours was the Call To Arms tour in 2011.
Say also that in a little conversation I had recently with the original Saxon guitarist, now in the parallel group O.D. Saxon, Graham Oliver is preparing the launch of a book about the band for this year or the one that comes to coincide with the tour of his group (O.D, Saxon) of the 40th anniversary of the album Wheels Of Steel.

Chronicle by Javier Barba Vallejo

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