
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Interview with Dreams In Darkness by DC.

What’s Your Songwriting Process?

Martin Tenebris: Generally one of us comes with a demo tape and the other members contribute with its instruments and ideas over the main idea. Then Giselle write the lyrics and phrasing to sing over the song.

Giselle Stoker: I'm constantly writing lyrics. Sometimes a melody take me to a moment, a memory or maybe a feeling. And then I write a song according to the ambient generated by the music.

Cristian Bertrand: Usually some of us brings an idea, then we work until it becomes in a song.

Gabriel Nonasco: Some of us come with an idea, and we work around that to improve it.

What is the ultimate direction on this latest album Recorded?

 Martin Tenebris: The main difference with the last two albums, this one is more extreme, darker, the sound is cleaner and surrounding. Is the perfect balance among the influences of the four of us.

Giselle Stoker: we kept out gothic style but this time, our Black Metal influences are very present.

Cristian Bertrand: this album is definitely more extreme oriented than the previous efforts but keeping the gothic style.

What were your biggest challenges recording this album during the Corvid19?

Martin Tenebris: Moving to record. Even I had to make a home studio.
We had to record in our homes and then send it to Cristian to make the mixing and mastering.

Giselle Stoker: the most complicated for this recording were the long distances, because we weren't able to travel or had a meeting with the band.

Cristian Bertrand: the hardest challenge was to record alone from my home and send it to the band members and expect they approve the recording session.

Gabriel Nonasco: go to the studio hoping the police don't catch me.

How can your fan base access to your music?

Martin Tenebris: Soon you can buy our record in CD or you can listen in the different platforms as YouTube, Spotify or even in the radio.

Giselle Stoker: who wants to listen to our music can contact us via Facebook or Instagram. Or even in YouTube a the others platforms.

Cristian Bertrand: people can listen our music in the different platforms and can contact us via Facebook or Instagram to get physical copies.

Gabriel Nonasco: you can buy our records from Apple Music or listen in YouTube or Spotify and even in the radio.

Interview by DC

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